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The Productivity for Logistics section of the Logistician's Library covers articles, journals and references on Logistics Productivity.
Productivity for Logistics
1. Hassall K (2012), The Role of Simulating Commodity Based Freight Networks in Estimating the National Benefits of Introducing PBS Vehicles into Australia. (HVTT12 Conference Stockholm)®
2. Hassall, K, Thompson R, (2011), “Estimating the Benefits of Performance Based Standard Vehicles,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. ISSN 0361-1981, pp 94-101, transportation Research Board of the National Academies.
3. Hassall, K. (2010), “Estimating the Benefits of Performance Based Standard Vehicles for the Australian Road Transport Industry” Regulatory Impact Statement and Benefit Cost Analysis, National Transport Commission, Melbourne
4. Hassall, K, (2010) Bi-Modal Terminals and Mid-Corridor Connect Intermodal Solutions – A New Leap in Freight Productivity. Proceeding 3rd T-Log Conference, Fukuoka, Japan
5. Hassall, K, (2010), “Bi-modal terminals – Shrinking Urban Freight Exposure through a Quantum Leap in Freight Productivity,” Proceedings, 33rd Australian Transport Research Conference, Canberra. http://www.atrf.info/papers/2010/2010_Hassall.pdf.
6. Hassall, K ,(2008), October,” Simulating the Impacts of new Australian Bi-Modal Urban Freight terminals, utilizing Performance Based Standard Freight Vehicles, for high growth container ports.”, International Conference on Transportation and Land Use Interaction, University Polytechnica Bucharest. http://www.agir.ro/buletine/500.pdf.
7. Hassall, K (2007), November, “The Potential Impact of Performance Based Standards as the 3rd Pillar Initiative for Road Freight Transport”, International Engineering Sustainability Conference, Perth Australia, KeynoteWA organizers.
8. Hassall, K , Thompson, R,( 2007), July, “Estimating the Benefits of Performance Based Standard vehicles in Australia”, 2nd T-Log Conference, Shenzhen China, Tsinghua University
9. Hassall K, (2005), July, “Introducing High Productivity Vehicles into Australia: Two Case Studies”, Fourth International City Logistics Conference, pp 163 – 176, Proceedings IV City Logistics, Elsevier, ISBN 0 08 0447996
10. 2006, February, “Operator and Regulatory Strategies for Enhancing Efficiencies in Freight Transport: Selected Australian and International Perspectives.” Report, Raptour Systems. pp 1-89.
11. 2003, February, “Achievable Rigid Truck Productivity Gains through Performance Based Standards”, National Road Transport Commission International Performance Based Standards Conference, Melbourne, February,2003, NRTC Melbourne®